Renewable energy

More rewable energy

The Republic of Mauritius is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels to meet its demands for electrical energy. As per the Renewable Energy 2030 for the electricity sector for Mauritius, in 2018, 79.3% was generated from non-renewable sources, principally petroleum products and coal and 20.7% from renewable sources, mainly bagasse, hydro, wind, landfill gas and solar. The need to integrate more and more renewable energy in the electrical energy mix has long been recognised by the Government of Mauritius and streamlined in relevant national policies.

UNDP is assisting Government of Mauritius in the implementation of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) “Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius” project. The USD 28 million grant (coupled with more than USD 162 million of co-financing) is assisting the Government of Mauritius to meet its target of using renewables to supply 40 percent of the country’s energy needs by 2030 through technical interventions on the electricity grid (to increase the grid absorption capacity)  and through a subsidised approach to deployment of PV technology that will help democratise access to rooftop PV systems. This is part of a broad national strategy to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels, to enhance energy security and climate change mitigation, democratise access to clean and affordable energy and to improve the country’s balance of payments.

Programmes and Initiatives

500+ women


have benefited from information on the use of the renewable energy through learning and awareness sessions.